Bed Bugs Control

Bedbug Control Services in Chennai

Bedbugs are small wingless insects that evolved as nest parasites. They do not fly but move quickly in floors, walls, and ceilings. They are reddish brown in colour turning blood red after feeding. Bed bugs don’t make nests, but simply hide in groups where food and shelter is available. They only feed on the blood of animals or humans. Bed bugs are typically nocturnal insects and are known for their night activity, they are very active in night than day. Their bites do not hurt, leave itchy welts on skin and cause allergic symptoms and skin rashes.

 Bed Bug Control in Chennai

The are most commonly found in box springs, mattresses, headboards and bed frames, which give them access to their food source sleeping humans. Personal efforts at eliminating these pests are ineffective and time-consuming for bed bugs removal in chennai. By understanding bedbugs lifestyle and their unique routines, we are capable of creating treatment plan that take complete advantage to control them.

Are you facing Bed Bug problems in your home or office. Call us on +91 99622 93111 or 044 48600654 to get rid of bedbugs immediately from your premises..